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Helsingfors 14.11 2024
Startups - en positiv påverkan på samhället?
- Tord. 14.11. kl 14-16
- Plats: Torget, Hanken Business Lab, Arkadiagatan 22, Helsingfors
- Panelist: Markus Wartiovaara Direktör, Hanken Business Lab och Hermund Haaland Entreprenör, rådgivare i norska Stortinget
- Moderator: Amos Airola, studerande vid Hanken

Helsinki 10.5 2024
Can I change the world? Finding empowerment in a fractured world
- Fri 10.5. at 14-16
- Place: Soc&Kom festsal/juhlasali, Snellmaninkatu 12, Helsinki University
- Panelist: Eva Biaudet, Member of Parliament and Vishal Mangalwadi, Philosopher and activist
- Moderator: Markus Österlund, Dr of Social Sciences, pastor

Helsinki 17.4 2023
Grill an Atheist and a Christian
- Monday 17.4 at 15-17
- Arcada University of Applied Sciences, Small auditorium, Jan-Magnus Janssonin aukio 1, Helsinki
- Also available on YouTube afterwards
What is the meaning of life? Does God exist? How should we live our lives? Monday 17 April at 15-17 we will meet at the Small auditorium at Arcada University of Applied Sciences, Jan-Magnus Janssons plats/ aukio 1, Helsinki. The speakers are Peter Payne, Doctor of Philosophy (USA), and Robert Brotherus, Licentiate of Philosophy from Helsinki. As moderator will server Matteo Stocchetti, Docent of Social Sciences and senior lecturer at Arcada.
This time we will try a new concept, called “Grill an Atheist and a Christian”. The speakers represent each of the world views and will give a short introduction to their views before the public is allowed to ask any question they want from any or both speakers. The main point is that the speakers discuss with the public, but they are also free to comment on each other´s answers.

Vasa 10.3 2023
When life does not turn out the way I hoped for – dealing with circumstances
- Friday 10.3 at 14-16
- Yliopistonranta 10 Vaasa, ABB Hall (F140) in Fabriikki at University of Vaasa
- Also available on YouTube afterwards
Young people are hard pressed today, by outer stress factors as Covid and a war in the midst of Europe. There are also more personal stress factors that young people always have had to deal with, like choosing a career, moving away from home, building a life and a family of one’s own, finding new friends and sometimes losing them. Both these kinds of stress factors are the kinds of questions we want to address at the Veritas Forum in Vaasa Friday 10 March. Hopefully, it will help young people to deal with the hand dealt to them. I look forward to the contribution of the speakers around this theme!
Dr. Amy Orr-Ewing is an international author, speaker and theologian who addresses the deep questions of our day with meaningful answers found in the Christian Faith. She is the author of multiple books including ‘Where is God in All the Suffering?’ Amy holds a doctorate in Theology from the University of Oxford. For more info visit www.amyorr-ewing.com.
Tommi Lehtonen is a manager for responsibility and ethics, innovation and entrepreneurship at InnoLab. Lehtonen is responsible for ethical issues and sustainable development at the University of Vaasa and works on a research platform called InnoLab. In addition to his doctorate in philosophy, he has a master’s degree in theology. For more info, visit www.uwasa.fi/en/person/1041457.
Our moderator will be Victoria Grönlund, an Occupational Health Psychologist stationed in Vaasa.

Åbo 29.11 2022
Är uppståndelsen ett historiskt alternativ?
- Klockan 18-20 tisdagen 29.11
- Fabriksgatan 2 i Åbo, auditorium Armfelt i Arken
- Även tillgängligt på vår YouTube-kanal i efterhand
Världens största religion grundar sig i huvudsak på en händelse, Jesus uppståndelse. Kristendomen vilar alltså på att en specifik sak faktiskt hände i världshistorien. Men är uppståndelsen ett historiskt alternativ? Dick Harisson, som är professor i historia vid Lunds universitet, tar sig an frågan vid höstens Veritas Forum vid Åbo Akademi.
Universitetslärare i exegetik vid Åbo Akademi, Sven-Olav Back, fungerar som kommentator för forumet. Back har skrivit flera böcker om Jesus som historisk person. Antti Laato, är moderator och kommer att kommentera synen på Jesus utifrån ett judiskt historiskt perspektiv. De olika ämnesområdena, historia, exegetik och judaistik, får alltså bidra med olika synpunkter på vad som riktigt hände efter korsfästelsen.